
Heritage Golf Club

Lions Charity Golf day- Ladies Cat 0 - 28

Saturday 20th May 2023
Le Chateau Golf Course, Tee - Red
H'cap Allowance: Full Handicap

Lions Charity Golf day- Ladies Cat 0 - 28

Saturday 20th May 2023, Red Tees, Le Chateau Golf Course

View Statistics for this Competition

Results Points Switch to Gross Points
1stSangeeta Juddoo(16)  38
2ndNathalie Wong Ten Yuen(22)  34
3rdLaurence Grisey(28)  33
4thNathalie Daynes(26)  32
5thLeena Valaydon(28)  32
6thKamla Beeharry(16)  30
7thMary Anne Decruz(18)  30
8thAnne Laurence Daron(21)  29
9thVidoula Seetapah(21)  29
10thVirmala Manna(28)  28
11thLeigh Thackwray(12)  28
12thRenu Ramphul(28)  27
13thPrabha Saddul(14)  26
14thPadmini Sadhana Devi Gopal(28)  25
15thNathalie De Tomasi(18)  25
16thIteeswaree Thacoor(28)  23
17thMarie Stephane Zoiele Adam (28)  13
18thDiya Muttarooa (v)(28)  3

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Open To: Ladies
Current Entries: 18

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